
Promote the point of sale through holographic innovation

The challenge: promote the point of sale through holographic innovation

The French automobile company continues its digital transformation, this time, it will be dedicated to its electric model, the Renault ZOE. To do so, the well known brand solicited Orbis Holographics to create a holographic quiz that will be on display at the Boulogne-Billancourt mall, Les Passages.

The purpose of this operation is to increase the Boulogne-Billancourt store by letting crowds discover the advantages of this electric model. The challenge is that Renault doesn’t intend to make an exposition model available on site. The success of this operation lays only on the capacity of the digital device (Quiz holographique & Kino-Mo) to entice the shoppers to visit, two streets down, the store to try it.


Our approach: gamify the retail experience

The brand hoped that we could provide a human dimension to the car without becoming cartoon like.


We projected human emotions of the 3D model without touching its appearance but only its behavior. This way when the player takes the quiz and answers correctly, the car will nod and the front light will blink. Otherwise, the front of the car will lay low and back up like it’s trying to hide.


The results: renew the customer experience in store

The "redirection" has proved to be effective with this innovative positioning at the local level around vehicle launching. Customer feedback shows a real level of intention with consumers going to dealerships to discover the Zoé (+ 20% passage in the first weeks).

It is once again the impact of the experience that makes the difference through a holographic quiz about the vehicle and relevant storytelling to revolutionize the public's approach to the automotive industry.

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